wenn Du Dich für Tourbooks und Konzertplakate von Camel interessierst, dann schau bitte mal auf meiner Webseite nach, denn dort habe ich neues Material veröffentlicht.
I also own the two tourbooks "Stationary Traveller" and "10th Anniversary Tour". Since both tourbooks are larger than the A4 format, can I only soon, when I'm in Aachen, leave it there to scan.
The 1992-tour book lies before me, unfortunately in a bad quality. If you have this in good quality, I would really appreciate it if you could send me this by email.
I believe I own the 1992 tourbook, probably in a pretty good shape. It's somewhere in the attic. With the holiday season I probably have the time to dig it up. I believe it was a rather small booklet, not more than four pages, just introducing the band members. Not printed in colour. If your interested, I'm also in the possession of the original newsletters ("Nature of the Beast") printed on paper at that time, send from Mountain View, CA. If you like I can send them digitally to you. Can you please specify the format and quality you like to have?
Best regards and a merry X-mas and happy 2015! Rene